An "extra" day

An "extra" day

An "extra" day

I can tell you with great confidence that no child wants to come to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch.
Sure, some children find relief in coming to the Ranch. They are away from the stressors and traumas that they have lived. They are not hungry, have their own beds, and are surrounded by people who care and are trained to help them heal.
They still would rather not have had to be here. Every child wishes for a “normal” childhood where they grow up not needing a place like Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch.
But, as they get healthier, they can see how the Ranch has impacted their lives. They found people they could trust. They found laughter. They found spiritual support. They found mercy, compassion, and healing.

Sometimes, it is hard to say “Goodbye.”
I received this email from Lindsey Haugen, an Executive Administrative Assistant at the Ranch. Although she isn’t a direct care provider, she gets to know the kids, too. She is a bright, caring, delightful woman and the children gravitate to her. She’s a really good Rancher.

“Good morning, Joy! I wanted to share a short story about an encounter with one of our kids last week! I walked into the cottage for lunch, and immediately “Jess” ran up to me excited to tell me she was discharging on March 1st! We exchanged basic conversation, congratulations, etc… and then she said something I will never forget, 'Lindsey, I am so lucky because it’s a leap year. I get an extra day!' Crystal [her therapist] said Jess requested to leave at the latest possible minute on Friday because she wants to spend as much time at the Ranch as she possibly can saying goodbye to everyone. Pretty amazing girl right there. She told me she wants to go to school to become a nurse and hopes to work at the Ranch someday!"
How great is that?

Please keep our children and staff in your prayers.

In His love,

Joy Ryan, President/CEO
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

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